Contents of Education

"Tarining duration is 2 days. / Contact Hours/PDUs, 12 PDU"
The project, with specific starting and ending point, purpose, scope, budget clearly defined, is a set of activities performed once. The program is similar purposes in multiple interrelated planned invisible benefits of each when administered alone project is a group project together in a coordinated way to manage the results show. This training has been generally accepted and widely used methodologies and the sharing of a Program Management Workshop is aimed to work.

  • Project Management Basics
  • Program Management Basics
  • Program Executive's relationship with Project Management
  • Program Management Office
  • Compliance Program Strategy
  • Program Benefits Management
  • Stakeholder Management Program
  • Program Governance
  • Program Management Life Cycle Phases
  • Supporting Program Management Processes
    • Communication Management
    • Financial Management
    • Integration Management
    • Purchasing Management
    • Quality Management
    • Resource Management
    • Risk Management
    • Time Management
    • Scope Management
      Group Workshops

Education Who Should Attend

Program management will contribute to know everyone's methodology , with the same concept in mind to speak the same language and understand each other workers to participate in every stage of the business and every family needed. This training is intended to share the program's definition mentioned in the form of multiple related projects that the program's management obligations of the undertaking or intends to undertake or program management process involved or program management methodologies with affected stakeholders. Before being taken to facilitate the understanding of project management training. 



  • Program management methodologies of how it should be implemented through life-cycle process and knows the outlines.
  • Understand the relationship of program management and project management .
  • Programs for governance , strategy alignment , understands the importance of benefits and stakeholder management .
  • Understands the importance of the role of program management office .
  • Be involved in the program, additional training and practice
    The course contains an integrated case study and walks participants through the life cycle of a typical program, identifying critical success factors at each step in the process. You’ll learn to initiate a program, develop a solid business case, manage stakeholders at all levels, develop a detailed roadmap (including program and governance plans), and define key deliverables and outputs needed for realizing program benefits. You’ll also manage change and program challenges and close out the program effectively.

If you want to get detail info, send email to [email protected].


Hakan Aksungar

MBA, PMP, Agile Trainer, Agile Coach


Türkiye Bankalar Birliği


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