Requirements Management in Project Success

19 Aralık 2016 5631 0 PROJECT MANAGEMENT Ali Gürbüz

All projects aim at reaching the targets they set at the beginning stage. Looking at these goals, it can be seen that these goals are in common for all projects:

  • Meet customer requirements, 100% customer satisfaction,
  • A product used on the shelf and free from faults,
  • Strengthening the competitiveness of the customer in the market with the product
  • Complete all of these within the specified budget and time.

Successful implementation of many factors in project management is needed to achieve these goals. One of them is to create a successful "Requirement Management" structure in the project.

Business analysts will try to identify the requirements from the analysis stage of the project by consulting relevant stakeholders. The right depth of the right requirements depends on the competence of the business analyst, the techniques used, the involvement of stakeholders and the establishment of the right requirements management infrastructure.

Requirements management is the systematic documentation of requirements compiled from stakeholders, the creation of an organization, the creation of a traceable and prioritizable structure, and the creation of a change management structure that can manage the changes that will arise.

With requirements management

  • The requirements are compiled from stakeholders,
  • Stakeholders reflected these compiled requirements,
  • What is the dependence between requirements,
  • What are the requirements that best satisfy the customer and increase the competitive power at a certain budget and time,
  • What is the effect of changes coming from customers during the project

Is observed correctly.

Requirements management in projects is based on the Requirement Management Plan, which is prepared by the business analyst. The requirements management plan defines the necessary processes, tools and techniques for requirements work. Creates a common language in scope management within the project team.

Thus, a guideline is created for the project scope that directly impacts project success and the requirements that define this scope. Both PMI and IIBA have placed a special emphasis on the Requirement Management and the Requirement Management Plan within the methodology they describe. Both methodologies have identified this plan as one of the key plans for project success.

The responsibility for developing the Requirements Management Plan, which is included in the project integrated plans, is in the Business Analyst. For this reason, the development of this plan and plan is studied in detail in job analysis trainings.





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