09 Mayıs 2013 7017 0 PROJECT MANAGEMENT Fonksiyon360
Organization to obtain fast, constant and secure data production and transfer to meet business objectives and requirements are desire to determine information technology (IT) risks, management ancd control in an efficient way.
Globally accepted IT management framework COBIT enables to reach this objectives.
COBIT asks the "what" question for IT and directs "how" question to other methodologies.
PMI- Project Management Institute is references when it comes to how Planning and Organization, Supply and Application and Monitoring and Evaluation processes work in terms of project management.
To meet business objectives information control attributes are stated as business requirements for COBIT information and is classified under 7 criteria; efficiency, effectiveness, compatibility, reliability, privacy, integrity and accessibility. With structured processes for IT organization to achieve IT objectives in line with business requirements, technological infrastructure, human and information source services and applications are presented. In process of PMI such as starting a project, planning, execution, monitoring-control and ending a project, efficiency and effectiveness are aimed in information criteria and human resources focus on special project information areas where IT resources focuses on other project information areas.
The relationship between COBIT, IT and business processes helps to execute investments in line with business strategies and emphasizing project with high risk/cost ratio.
Only with healthy project management disciplines, IT projects can realize healthy business strategies. In practice PMI is accountable and in terms of being responsible upper management, IT director (CIO) and project management office guides the shareholders.
COBIT guides IT director, business process owner and internal control-risk units with project management discipline.
According to a study conducted by ITGI in terms of COBIT of PMI project management processes
Project Management aims for higher level of control where Risk Evaluation and Managements, Application Software Development and Maintenance, Supplying IT Resource, application of System Solutions and Changes and Accrediting and Monitoring and Evaluation of Information System Performances aim for middle level control.