Enterprise Project Management Office

18 Mart 2015 6455 0 PROJECT MANAGEMENT Hakan Aksungar

When you should think about Organizational Project Management Office?

In last 7-8 years there is an increase in the number of business that established project management offices. PMO's are generally established in departments that are interested in process or strategies during planning and executing projects in the most critical period. Even department PMI's are experienced with not only that department but also with all of the organization and projects.

PMO's constructed inside Information Technologies, Engineering or Production departments generally do not have the desired support in determining and managing organizational strategic priorities therefore they do not have an effect. The aim is to form a Organizational Project Management Office independent of departments and in the same level with other departments so that PMO's are collected under organizational PMO's. Accordingly the structure where PMO's are effective from the lower level of organization to higher level as well as establishing a strategic position by taking the support of upper management and increase in organizational success.

I also find it important to add those. Employees under different authorization and responsibilities in different levels of maturity of project management

  • Managerial unit that makes secretarial work,
  • Coordination team couching project managers and teams,
  • Observing projects in strong matrix organizations or creating units that are managing projects  

Okay, when you should think about building a  Organizational Project Management Office?

  • If merging, purchase, re-structuring, transformation is being planned,
  • If project priorities are not selected compatible with strategic planning,
  • If time critical simultaneous projects are constructed,
  • There are simultaneous projects
  • If middle and high level complexity projects are executed,
  • If there are projects executed by various departments
  • If there is an important and growing project portfolio,
  • If there are failed projects or lagged project experience,
  • If there is a need for centralized resource distribution dıe to common or restricted resources,
  • If there is solid project management discipline,

If there is a need for replacement of centralized responsibilities stated below:

  • Development of techniques, tools, diagrams and education of project management processes
  • Enabling planning, monitoring, communication services in projects
  • Enabling quality
  • Couching project teams
  • Evaluating projects in terms of constant development
  • Creating information banks and obtaining project portfolio communication,
  • Managing changes,
  • Using managerial authorities in projects.

If you are saying yes to one of the stated articles above, it is your time to establish EPMO.

This need is generally associated with management measures but in certain complexities it should not be a criteria for organizations with simultaneous projects  If after reading this article you think you need EPMO, in order not to fall behind competition and turning middle or long term opportunities into advantages, you should talk this subject with upper management.





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